29.07.2024 18:17
London, GB
28.07.2024 19:16
Airline arrived at destination country
Rose, Rose
27.07.2024 20:16
Departed USPS Facility
Hong Kong airlines
26.07.2024 21:16
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
25.07.2024 22:15
Departed by air
EDISON, NJ, 08899
24.07.2024 23:15
Handed over to the Carrirer
24.07.2024 00:15
Shipment information received
Maithon Dam SO
23.07.2024 01:15
Origin Scan
Patna PH
22.07.2024 02:14
Final delivery. Delivered to: CALDO
Delivery Agent - GUANGZHOU - PTT
21.07.2024 03:14
Package delivered by local post office
20.07.2024 04:14
Item received
Kansai Int Apt
19.07.2024 05:13
Arrival at inward office of exchange
18.07.2024 06:13
Departure from inward office of exchange
HK, Asendia Hong Kong
17.07.2024 07:13
International letter group, Guangzhou
16.07.2024 08:13
Clubbed Canvas Bag Scan
Kansai to center
15.07.2024 09:12
Handed over to the carrier for transportation
Ningbo International Mail Processing Center, Ningbo city
14.07.2024 10:12
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Shenzhen international mail exchange station, Shenzhen city
13.07.2024 11:12
Departure from outward office of exchange
Tracking numbers examples: